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Earn Online with blog

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Google Adsense is the best way for making money online,  but my one of friend’s have good traffic on there blog and nice Alexa rank but Google adsense is not approve by some reason , and also my one of friend’s banned from Google adsense don’t know why.. so i was searched on the net on that topic” what we can do when Google adsene is not approve or banned from Google adsense.. then finally i got a nice website “Qadabra” Qadabra is a alternative of Google adsense , there you don’t need to waiting for approval from them like Google adsense.

how to add page in blogger

Blogger Page example
Learn to create and edit pages You can create stand-alone pages linked from tabs or sidebars on your blog. These pages function differently than the homepage of your blog -- you can think of each page as containing only one post, while your blog's homepage contains multiple posts and pushes the most recent posts to the top.
Here’s how to create and link to a new page:
  1. Sign in to blogger.com.

How to Fast aprove fro google adsens


Actually the dream of most blogger is to monetize there blog for online money, especially through Advertisement. The best way to do that is to use the Google Adsense, and to get the